Thursday, November 1, 2007

2007 GOP 1st District Fall Fest

I'm a little late putting updates here lately so I apologize. Our Southeastern Wisconsin meetup members attended the annual GOP Fall Fest in Burlington last weekend. We had a great time and there was a great showing for Ron Paul there. No other presidential candidate was represented at all at the meeting (no signs even).

There was a straw poll there where you could vote by donating 50 cents to the UW Whitewater college republicans group. Ron Paul won the straw poll by a landslide. Its always great to get together with supporters and make our presence known.

There was a raffle at the event also. I was fortunate to win the prize of $91.00. I will be donating those proceeds to the efforts to get Ron Paul elected. I encourage everyone out there to get involved in supporting Ron Paul and to attend your local GOP events.

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